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Bubble Gum

Bubble Gum – Win tricks to blow a bigger bubble, but blow too much and it will pop.
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Disponibilité : S1 2025
15 en stock
Bubble Gum
BUBBLE GUM is a two-player trick-taking game where you try to make a bigger bubble to show off to your opponent. Be careful, if you blow too much it will pop! Get your opponent's card with your sticky gum to win the game. To set up, shuffle all the number cards (1-6 in 4 suits). Each player receives 10 cards in their hand. The rest will be placed aside as a pile. Flip the first card of the pile face up to define the trump suit of the round. Players will play a maximum of 3 rounds. The first player to win 2 rounds will be the winner of the game. Each round consists of 10 tricks. A trick goes like this:-
- The lead player chooses one card from their hand and places it face up in front of them. The opponent must follow the lead suit, if possible.
- The highest card in the lead suit wins the trick, unless there is a trump card.
- The winner of the trick takes their opponent's played card and places it face up in front of them as a score card.
- The loser of the trick takes the opponent's played card and adds it to their hand. The loser then discards a card from their hand face down.
- If a player’s total value of score cards exceeds 14 the bubble will pop. Discard all scoring cards from that player. Continue playing tricks until all cards are played. The winner of the previous trick will be the lead for the next trick. Highest score wins the round (shared round victory if tied). First to 2 rounds wins the game.
Complexité 1/5
Hasard 3/5
Stratégie 2/5
Interactivité 3/5
Ambiance 1/5
Auteur(s) | kota konno |
Editeur(s) | konno. |
Langue(s) | English, Japonais |
Thème(s) | Alimentation |
Mécanisme(s) | Cartes, Gestion de main, Plis |
Illustrateur(s) | METEOR |
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