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Malumière – A trick-taking game where players guess card numbers from back symbols
6 en stock
Malumière マルミエール
Malumière is a trick-taking game where cards are played face down. The back of each card shows a suit-related symbol, making the suit visible. The size of the symbol indicates the card's number, adding a visual twist to the gameplay. Players predict the number of tricks they will take and score points based on their bids. Téléchargez les règles en Anglais ici - Dowload the English rules here
Complexité 1/5
Hasard 3/5
Stratégie 2/5
Interactivité 3/5
Ambiance 1/5
Auteur(s) | Isobee |
Editeur(s) | onimochipan |
Langue(s) | English (in PDF), Japonais |
Thème(s) | Alimentation |
Mécanisme(s) | Cartes, Plis |
Illustrateur(s) | Kuunerin |
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