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Slaughter the Dragon

Slaughter the Dragon – Trick-taking game like Hearts that uses ninjutsu to divide the cards in your hand
6 en stock
Slaughter the Dragon 魔龍 屠るべし 破
This game is a Trick-avoidance games like Hearts. If you get a trick, you get 5 points, but the purple suit is minus points for the number. The purple suit has a break rule. Ninjyutsu One of the players divide his or her hand into two parts. The cards for the first half are held in the hand, and those for the second half are placed face down.Face-down cards are not affected by must-follow.
Complexité 1/5
Hasard 3/5
Stratégie 2/5
Interactivité 3/5
Ambiance 1/5
Auteur(s) | Sirou Yamaoka |
Editeur(s) | Siroup Games |
Langue(s) | English (in the box), Japonais |
Thème(s) | Alimentation |
Mécanisme(s) | Cartes, Plis |
Illustrateur(s) | Tori Hasegawa |
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